Flames of Hogwarts, Ice of Durmstrang
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Lucas Swandeth

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Lucas Swandeth Empty Lucas Swandeth

Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 8:30 am

Name: Lucas Ecthelion Swandeth
Age: 12
Birthday: 4/17/2001
Birthplace: Munich, Germany
Current Home: Cologne, Germany
Blood Status: Halfblood

Character Appearance:

Hair Style and Colour: Brown, messy, medium length
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: 5'1"
Build: Very skinny
Dress Sense: Likes to dress very casually, wears jeans and t-shirts wherever he can. And really likes the band Linkin Park, so he has three different t-shirts of them that he likes to wear.
Other (Tattoo's etc): Peregrine Falcon with the words Always Be Loyal under it on his left shoulder.

Character Information:

Character Likes: Archery (because of his mother), Linkin Park, Potions, Falcons, Charms
Character Dislikes: Liars, Betrayal, Being pushed around, Small Spaces (slightly claustrophobic)
Hobbies: Archery, Reading, Playing the piano, Brewing tricky potions
Strengths: Loyalty, Honesty, Bravery, Charms
Weaknesses: Overly loyal, Bit of a loner, Slightly Claustrophobic


Favourite Lesson: Potions or Charms. He loves them both
Least Favourite Lesson: History
Would you Want To Take Part In An Apprenticeship?: Yes, as an auror.

Preferred House:

Mühe (The House of Pain)

Character Background:

Lucas Ecthelion Swandeth grew up moving around a lot with his mother Sally Swandeth. He dislikes the fact that his mother is playing both sides of the war, because he is a very loyal person. When he was five years old, he got stuck in a very tiny closet. Lucas accidentally locked himself in and it was two days before his mother finally found him. That is why he is slightly claustrophobic. Loves to practice his archery and is quite good. Also enjoys making tricky potions. Both of those things his mother trained him in. A bit of a loner, and really has no clue how to make friends since he never stayed in one place long enough to keep any. His mother held him back a year, so instead of starting school at Durmstrang at the age of eleven, he is beginning at twelve.

Mother: Sally Swandeth
Father: Unknown
Siblings: N/A
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: N/A

Other: N/A

Wand: 12 1/2 inches, Hawthorn, phoenix feather, unyielding
Pet: Dusky Eagle Owl named Ulric. Light brown with dark brown spots on the chest. Dark brown wings.


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